About your DM Knot map Hello,
Well, let me start first by giving a quick introduction of myself: My name is Santos Carrion, and the only time that I play Half-Life is on the Xbox360, so sadly to say, I do not have a PC copy of it. Now, with that said, I can tell you that I am not a Half-Life map maker, never done one or even know where to start to make one. By trade and hobby, I am a website designer and do have experience with some 3D programs, but my 3D creations are basic stuff compared to your stuff. Anyway, my whole point to this message to you is to ask you permission for me to make public my use of one of your Half-Life maps, in a experimental project on my personal website.
The reason that I need to ask you permission to use one of your maps, is because I intend to use it outside of the Half-Life game. You see, my website is about VRML worlds, specifically multi-user 3D chat virtual worlds, similar to the "Second Life" website. What I basically do is this: I take some Half-Life .bsp map file with custom textures, convert it to VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), upload it to my web host's server, add the necessary code to my website so it can connect remotely to a third party multi-user server program called "ABNet". Now, so far I only have 5 Half-Life maps converted to 3D chat VRML worlds on my site from 5 different map makers, you of course being one of them. The particular map I chose from you is the one called "DM-Knot".
It is already up online as a VRML world running through the multi-user ABnet gateway. You are the 1st of these 5 map makers that I am emailing to, so I can get permission to use their maps in a non Half-Life way. All there is left to do is to invite you to checkout my website, look it over and try out your DM-Knot map as a 3D chat VRML world. Once you are done doing this, then please let me know if you like what you see. If by any chance you do not approve of the alternative use of your map as a VRML world, just say so and I will remove your map from my website right away. I do hope you have an open mind about this, and if you have any questions or concerns about anything, I am ready to take them. Well, I will have my fingers crossed and hope for the best! My website is at: www.virtualhl.info
Also, one more thing: To view and participate in the 3D chat VRML worlds on my website which are running through the ABNet multi-user server, you will need to download and install 2 very small browser plugins called "BS Contact", a VRML viewer and the "ABNet client". The download links for these 2 tiny programs are provided on my website. Well, I hope to hear from you later, Mr. Scrama..........
Santos Carrion