[ Brief Info] Loosy techsheet
Return to Nameless City (RTNC) is a mod for game Quake. It provides more deadful and intense gameplay, balanced weapons and some other sweets. For 'what it mean?' see tech sheet and play.
There are Frik Bot X implementation in RDM, so you can play with bots: just start a listen server and type 'impulse 101' or 'addbot' in console. More information about impulses here.
And many other pretty useless things.
addbot - add a bot to the first team
addbotalt - add bt to the second team
delbot - remove bot
botcam - camera
botmenu - waypoint editing menu
giveall - give all weapons, ammo and keys, ex-impulse 9
quad - give quad damage, ex-impulse 255
drop_shells - drop shells
drop_nails - drop nails
drop_rockets - drop rockets
drop_cells - drop cells
impulse 21 - previous weapon
impulse 22 - next weapon
impulse 1-10 - menu navigation
Inside3d people for qc idies.
FrikaC for bot sources.
Kryten for swiming quake guy implementation.
Caryn 'Hellchick' Law for a great announcer.